Thursday, 21 June 2012

Her Dream...

A little girl sat in the car, her nose pressed to the window, gazing out at the intricate patterns of the majestic yellow buildings. Brushing strands of her brown hair off her forehead with the back of her tiny hand, she continued to count the fleurs-de-lis on the grille of a balcony, hastening her counting as the car sped up.
Fast forward seven years and there she was, dressed in her pristine white college uniform, stuck in a traffic jam right in the middle of Empress Market. By this time she was old enough to be able to admire the gorgeous yellow-brick buildings, the gothic windows and the breathtakingly beautiful façades. Each passing day made her notice something new about the architecture. She started trying to imagine what they were like from the inside; what was their story; what secrets did these gloomy forgotten treasures hold; what all had they, laughter, intimate moments, tears, births, deaths, struggles, LIFE… The more beauty she found in the somewhat dilapidated buildings, the more questions started bothering her. She started wondering why smoke clouded them and why people would just pass by without giving these magnificent pieces of art a second glance; she was perplexed by the negligence and lack of love that was apparent from the condition of these legacies.  That’s when she thought, ONE DAY…One day she promised to return, to capture the essence of her  glorious heritage and help people see what she saw. One day…